Lina Skoglund

Photo of Lina Skoglund

I'm a fifth year PhD candidate in comparative politics at Princeton. My research examines state-building, with a particular focus on local and regional resistance to political centralization. I exploit quasi-natural experiments to identify the local determinants of variations in active and passive resistance to the state. My work explores the roots of resistance to state authority by emphasizing how local factors influence perceptions of the legitimacy of the central state, impact the ability to escape repression, and shape the capacity of actors to coordinate against the state. I am advised by Carles Boix, Rafaela Dancygier, Andreas Wiedemann and Saad Gulzar.
Prior to Princeton, I received a BA and a Master’s degree in Economics and Public Policy (Summa Cum Laude) from Sciences Po Paris. I also spent time at the University of Tokyo and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I speak French and Swedish.

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Working Papers & Work in Progress

  1. Voices in the wilderness? The spatial distribution of the costs of environmental policy and anti-state mobilization [Abstract]  
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Telegraphed [Abstract]  
  3. Getting on like a house on fire: understanding the determinants of the unlikely alliance of local landed elites and the rural poor against the central state in XIXth century France [Abstract]